CL Free Water Systems Thursday in ground Fiberglass, Vinyl Liner Swimming Pool/Spa System sanitizes and protects your inground Thursday fiberglass Leisure swimming pool water and gives you a chlorine and salt free swimming experience. The inground Composite Fiberglass swimming pools USA system eliminates chlorine, chemicals and other impurities from your Latham fiberglass swimming pool water.
As it freshens and sanitizes your in ground Composite fiberglass swimming pool water, the system also kills and protects your swimming pool water from bacteria and algae by adding copper ions and oxidizing carbon based impurities in the water with titanium created OH. The CL Free Water Systems Vinyl Liner Latham Swimming Pool/Spa System significantly reduces the calcium buildup in fiberglass pool equipment and along the Latham fiberglass pool and spa water lines.
- The power settings for the Oxidation and Ionization functions are independent. This provides flexibility and total control. Other units tie both sets of functions to each other providing no flexibility or independent control.
- Oxidation and Ionization functions can be energized at the same time. Other units make you manually select and switch between which functions/plates are energized.
- LEDs flash at different frequencies to indicate that the corresponding functions have been activated and at what power level. Faster flash means higher power.
- LEDs alternate color (red and green) to indicate that the polarity of the functions/plates have been switched. This swap balances the copper plate usage and helps keep the plates clean.

- Copper Ionization has a built-in startup setting (to quickly bring your Thursday Fiberglass swimming pool/spa up to the desired copper level) and 8 different maintenance settings (to maintain the desired copper level). If the Thursday fiberglass swimming pool system is run non stop, after 24 hours it resets itself and begins its daily cycle again.
- Based on the Controller pH setting, the pH sensor determines if pH adjustment should be made or not. As pH reduction is needed,co2 is injected in metered ,controlled regular intervals.
- Your Latham Fiberglass Swimming pool/spa's pH is displayed every 30 seconds on the controller's readout.
- pH calibration is a snap. Push the calibrate button 2 seconds, enter the pool's actual pH, press the button again, you're done.
- The Latham Vinyl Liner or Fiberglass Swimming Pool system consists of a CL Free Systems Oxidation Chamber with titanium and copper plates, Vinly Liner Pool/Spa controller, pH sensor, flow meter controlled co2 regulator, UL approved power supply and wiring harness.
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Operation, Fiberglass swimming pool/Spa System Ionization (Copper)
If the Controller’s Ionization setting is 9, the system runs full power to the copper plates as long as the Thursday - Latham swimming pool filter equipment is running. Use this setting to initially get the Leisure fiberglass swimming pool up to the desired copper level as quickly as possible.
If the Controller’s Ionization setting is 0, no power is applied to the copper plates.
If the Controller’s Ionization setting is 1 thru 8, the Thursday fiberglass swimming pool system applies power to the copper plates for the first hour only. The lower number provides lower power, higher number, higher power.
Use these settings to maintain the desired copper level in the fiberglass swimming pool. Determining the correct maintenance setting will require every other day copper level testing for the first two weeks, and weekly thereafter.
At regular intervals, plate polarity is switched to ensure equal wear of the plates. The LEDs change colors (red and green) to indicate the polarity change.
If set to 0, no power is applied to the titanium plates.
If set to 1 thru 9, energizes the titanium plates as long as the unit is powered. Run this setting as high as possible. If the Thursday fiberglass swimming pool water gets cloudy, skip oxidation one day, reduce the setting and resume oxidation.
At regular intervals, plate polarity is switched. The LEDs change colors (red and green) to indicate the polarity change. This also helps keep the plates clean.
pH control in your Thursday Fiberglass Swimming Pool
At regular intervals, the system takes a pH reading and then dispenses pH reducer as needed to maintain the in ground swimming pool/spa’s pH.
The pH reading cycle takes 12 seconds, during which the Oxidation/Ionization LEDs are turned off. This indicates the pH reading cycle is taking place. Pressing the up pH button will initiate a pH reading cycle.
Based on the readings, the Latham swimming pool system decides if the sensor is working correctly or not. If the fiberglass pool system decides the sensor is bad, or that the readings are too high or too low, the display flashes the appropriate error code which indicates the the system and/or Thursday fiberglass swimming pool needs attention.